Geojson file won't open in the Trilobite app? ..
If this does not work on your phone (eg. Samsungs?), use this web page - - on
a computer,
then send the .geojson as an attachment in an email to yourself. On your phone,
open the email, tap the attached .geojson file and 'open with' the Trilobite app.
Use the 'Gmail' app if using Android.
What this does ..
You can create a data layer showing tenements that you
want to visit. Download the .geojson file and import into the Trilobite app.
Your new data layer is then stored on your phone for use in the field. The screenshot below
shows a data layer displaying tenements E 15/985, E 24/197 and E 27/580.
This requires the internet, so use this before you go into the field.